24–27 Sept 2019
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Dynamical Emergence of Scalaron in Higgs Inflation

26 Sept 2019, 14:30
Seminar room 4a / 4b (DESY Hamburg)

Seminar room 4a / 4b

DESY Hamburg

Cosmology & Astroparticle Physics Parallel Session: Cosmology & Astroparticle Physics


Yohei Ema (DESY)


We point out that a light scalaron dynamically emerges if scalar fields have a sizable non-minimal coupling to the Ricci scalar as in the Higgs inflation model. We support this claim in two ways. One is based on the renormalization group equation; the non-minimal coupling inevitably induces a Ricci scalar quadratic term due to the renormalization group running. The other is based on scattering amplitudes; a scalar four-point amplitude develops a pole after summing over a certain class of diagrams, which we identify as the scalaron. Our result implies that the Higgs inflation is actually a two-field inflationary model. Another implication is that the Higgs inflation does not suffer from the unitarity issue since the scalaron pushes up the cut-off scale to the Planck scale.

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