28 October 2019 to 1 November 2019
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Decision making under uncertainties"

31 Oct 2019, 09:00
SR 4a/b (DESY Hamburg)

SR 4a/b

DESY Hamburg


Fabio Priuli (Pangea Formazione S.r.l.) Sara Borroni (Pangea Formazione S.r.l.)


In this seminar we present some aspects of the so-called "decision making under uncertainties"  that are typical in the context of business and strategical management, where the data represent  an important source of information that is not always exploited to the full extent of its potential.  In particular, we will describe a few cases taken from the experiences of Pangea Formazione,  where the Bayesian approach and more in general Bayesian probabilistic models, when paired with suitable data science solutions, have allowed to deal properly with uncertainties and to  provide valuable insights about corporate processes.

Presentation materials