Kick-off Workshop

Weizmann Institute of Science

Weizmann Institute of Science


Helmholtz Weizmann International School on Multimessenger Astronomy:

Kick-off Workshop


Important dates

Kick-off Event 28 October 2019

Additional Events:

  • Excursion of students (Sunday, the 27th)
  • Formal dinner at WIS (sunday, 27th at 19h) with opening speeches



The Kick-off Workshop will take place at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, Rehovot.

Don't hesitate to contact the organizers, if you have questions.


  • Andrew Taylor
  • Anna Franckowiak
  • Anna Nelles
  • Annika Rudolph
  • Benjamin Bastian-Querner
  • David Berge
  • Elisa Pueschel
  • Eran Ofek
  • Francesco Zappon
  • Gianluca Giavitto
  • Iftach Sadeh
  • Marc Klinger
  • Marek Kowalski
  • Markus Ackermann
  • Otmar Wiestler
  • Robert Stein
  • Rolf Buehler
  • Ruslan Konno
  • Simeon Reusch
  • Stefan Klepser
  • Steven Worm
  • Sylvia Zhu
  • Walter Winter
  • Zack Meyers
Local Organization