Kick-off Workshop

Weizmann Institute of Science

Weizmann Institute of Science


Helmholtz Weizmann International School on Multimessenger Astronomy:

Kick-off Workshop


Important dates

Kick-off Event 28 October 2019

Additional Events:

  • Excursion of students (Sunday, the 27th)
  • Formal dinner at WIS (sunday, 27th at 19h) with opening speeches



The Kick-off Workshop will take place at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, Rehovot.

Don't hesitate to contact the organizers, if you have questions.


  • Andrew Taylor
  • Anna Franckowiak
  • Anna Nelles
  • Annika Rudolph
  • Benjamin Bastian-Querner
  • David Berge
  • Elisa Pueschel
  • Eran Ofek
  • Francesco Zappon
  • Gianluca Giavitto
  • Iftach Sadeh
  • Marc Klinger
  • Marek Kowalski
  • Markus Ackermann
  • Otmar Wiestler
  • Robert Stein
  • Rolf Buehler
  • Ruslan Konno
  • Simeon Reusch
  • Stefan Klepser
  • Steven Worm
  • Sylvia Zhu
  • Walter Winter
  • Zack Meyers
Local Organization
  • Sunday, 27 October
    • 19:00
      Dinner with Opening Speaches

      Prof. Dr. Daniel Zajfman, WIS president
      Prof. Dr. Otmar Wiestler, president of the Helmholtz association
      Prof. Dr. Gilad Perez, WIS physics PhD school director
      Prof. Dr. Helmut Dosch, Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors

  • Monday, 28 October
    • Welcome

      Welcome notes

      • 1
        Welcome adress
        Speaker: Prof. Christian Stegmann (DESY)
    • Introduction to the School
      • 2
        Introduction to the Helmholtz Weizmann International School on Multimessenger Astronomy
        Speaker: Marek Kowalski
      • 3
        Open questions in Multimessenger Astronomy
        Speaker: Eli Waxman
    • 10:30
      Group picture and Coffee
    • PhDs in Multimessenger Astronomy
      • 4
        Gamma-ray Burst modeling in a multi-messenger context
        Speaker: Annika Rudolph
      • 5
        Neutrino Astronomy with IceCube
        Speaker: Robert Stein
    • 12:00
      WIS tour and Networking Lunch
    • Dedicate to research topics connected to ULTRASAT

      We plan for about short ~3-5 presentations by students and advisors presenting the newly established thesis projects and seeding broad and open discussion.

    • 15:30
    • MM School PI meeting
    • MM School students meeting
    • 18:00