II. CAROTS Project Meeting

2nd floor (Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA))

2nd floor

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

Pērses street 2, Riga
Uwe Sassenberg (PT-DESY)
The II. CAROTS Project partner meeting will take place in Riga on 1.-2.October 2019 from “noon-to-noon”. The first day of the meeting will be dedicated to exploring the "needs and means" of CAROs. We will talk about the Latvian Landscape of CAROs and hear about the results of the Danish CARO Workshop. On day 2 we will report on work progress and discuss upcoming tasks.
  • Tuesday, 1 October
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch 1h 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 13:30 13:45
      Welcome note by Lauma Muižniece (Deputy director of Technology Department – Head of Technology Transfer Division, LIAA) 15m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 13:45 14:00
      Project overview by Uwe Sassenberg: achievements and future timeline 15m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 14:00 14:45
      Topic of the afternoon: Needs & Wishes of CAROs Part I • The Latvian Landscape (short overview of the Latvian CARO Landscape [Lauma Muižniece] • Presentation by Institute of Solid State Physics UL [Dr.phys. Andris Anspoks, Deputy director for Innovation, ISSP UL] 45m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 14:45 15:15
      Coffee Break 30m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 15:15 17:00
      Needs & Wishes of CAROs Part II • Report on “Workshop for intermediary companies” (17.9.2019, Copenhagen) [DTI & Region H] 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga

      „Take away messages“ and reflections from the CAROTS perspective [all]

    • 17:00 19:00
      Exploring the City Centre of Riga 2h 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 19:00 22:00
      Dinner 3h
  • Wednesday, 2 October
    • 09:00 09:15
      Coffee & welcome back 15m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 09:15 11:30
      Reports by Work Package Leaders of “have done” and “to dos” for the next six months 2h 15m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 11:30 11:45
      Organizational aspects: WP 1 Project management and administration [Uwe Sassenberg, ITT DESY] • „Lessons learned“ from the 1.Reporting Period • Timetable until and for the next meetings 15m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 11:45 12:00
      Summary of the meeting, open questions and upcoming appointments /events 15m 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga
    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch 1h 2nd floor

      2nd floor

      Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

      Pērses street 2, Riga