5 December 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.
Time-resolved science has a high priority at DESY and in the institutions present at the Campus Bahrenfeld, including institutes of the Universität Hamburg. This interest is fueled by the short pulse facilities available in close vicinity, in particular the Free Electron Lasers FLASH and European XFEL. These lightsources enable measurements of ultrafast phenomena on timescales as short as 10s of femtoseconds. However, time-resolved experiments are also performed at Petra III with a temporal resolution of the x-ray pulse duration of 100 picosecond, i.e., a timescale characteristic for structural dynamics in solids, nanostructures and macromolecules. In a series of invited and contributed talks, this PIER workshop will present a comprehensive overview of instruments and facilities for time-resolved experiments available at Petra III. The workshop aims at interconnecting users and scientists at various beamlines at Petra III and at other lightsources in Hamburg. The program is divided into technical and scientific talks and addresses students, experienced researchers, beamline scientists and external users. A poster session is planned during the evening buffet on Thursday 5.12. to encourage lively discussions among the participants. There will be no conference fee for the workshop. However, participants have to arrange and pay for their own travel and accommodation. Abstract Deadline: to be announced Organizers: P. Gaal (Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung Berlin, IKZ), Simon Chung (NanoLab, Desy) For any assistance: M. Kreuzeder (matthias.kreuzeder@desy.de) The workshop is held in the Center of Hybrid Nanostructures (CHyN) Luruper Chaussee 149, Geb. 600 22607 Hamburg in seminar room 301 We gratefully acknowledge financial support by PIER