International Workshop on X-ray Diagnostics and Scientific Application of the European XFEL

Hotel Zamek Ryn, Poland

Hotel Zamek Ryn, Poland

The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (Świerk, Poland) and the European XFEL (Hamburg, Germany) jointly organize an International Workshop on X-ray Diagnostics and Scientific Application of the European XFEL. It is dedicated to the presentation and discussion of new concepts and ideas in the area of special diagnostics of X-ray FEL radiation, requesting e.g. the single shot measurement of time domain, spectral and coherence properties. Furthermore, scientific projects involving intense, ultrafast and coherent X-ray FEL radiation will be presented. The Workshop will be accompanied by a seminar on the rising perspectives on FEL applications for the studies currently carried with quantum lasers and synchrotrons. Registration has been extended to 01 February 2010.
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