Science, Integrity, Society: A Workshop +++Due to Corona-crisis postponed to 2021+++

CFEL (building 99), SR I-III (DESY, Hamburg)

CFEL (building 99), SR I-III

DESY, Hamburg

Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
Heidrun Bojahr (DESY), Ilka Mahns (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY), Jenny List (DESY Hamburg), Nele Mueller (CFEL, DESY), Ralf Koehn (CFEL)
The scientific enterprise is evolving rapidly. It is becoming increasingly intertwined with technology, politics, and the economy. This is changing the role and practice of scientists, who are under increasing pressure to be scientist, engineer, manager, entrepreneur, governmental advisor, and public communicator. But there is little time and space in our science education for reflection on the personal and societal challenges that scientists will be confronted with in such a diverse career. This workshop is offered as a “pause for thought”. We will place the individual scientist at the centre of our thought and ask: “what does it mean to have scientific integrity?” and “why is this important for society at large that scientists possess an understanding of scientific integrity?” The workshop will consist of a plenary session by Matthew Braham (Professor for Practical Philosophy at the Universität Hamburg), followed by breakout discussion groups, and then a synthesis session in which the break out groups will present the results of their deliberations in a general exchange of views. All scientists (PhD students, postdocs, staff scientists, lead scientists…) are cordially invited to participate in the workshop. The workshop is open to staff from DESY and its partner institutions. For the second part of the workshop (breakout discussion and synthesis session) the number of participants is limited.
    • Plenary session CFEL (building 99), SR I-III

      CFEL (building 99), SR I-III

      DESY, Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
      • 1
      • 2
        Keynote lecture
        Speaker: Prof. Matthew Braham (Universität Hamburg)
    • 14:00
      Coffee break CFEL Foyer

      CFEL Foyer

      DESY, Hamburg

    • Workshop CFEL (building 99), SR V

      CFEL (building 99), SR V

      DESY, Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
      • 3
        Breakout discussion
      • 4
        Synthesis session