Strings & Mathematical physics session on Zoom and in Main Auditorium.
- Georgios Papathanasiou
- Fabian Ruehle
Markus B. Fröb
(Universität Leipzig)
25/09/2020, 17:00
Strings & Mathematical Physics
I present a formula for the coupling-constant derivative of the coefficients of the operator product expansion (Wilson OPE coefficients) in an arbitrary curved space, as the natural extension of the quantum action principle. Expanding the coefficients themselves in powers of the coupling constants, this formula allows to compute them recursively to arbitrary order. As input, only the OPE...
Domenico Bonocore
(University of Münster)
25/09/2020, 17:20
Strings & Mathematical Physics
The worldline representation of the relativistic spinning particles has been known for a long time. Much of the studies focused on the calculation of effective actions, with less attention to open propagators. In 0811.2067 the formalism has been applied to asymptotic states dressed by soft radiation at next-to-leading power (NLP) in the soft expansion. This led to the definition of the...
Joren Brunekreef
(Radboud University)
25/09/2020, 17:40
Strings & Mathematical Physics
Causal Dynamical Triangulation (CDT) is a non-perturbative theory of quantum gravity. It is based on a lattice discretization of general relativity, where the background metric should emerge dynamically. This makes it difficult to construct suitable observables in the model. A recent addition to the list of available CDT observables is the Quantum Ricci Curvature (QRC), which allows one to...
Gizem Sengor
(CEICO at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
25/09/2020, 18:00
Strings & Mathematical Physics
In this talk we will focus on free scalar fields of various mass on D-dimensional de sitter, define late time boundary states from their late time behavior, discuss how they are classified in terms of irreducible representations of the symmetry group of de Sitter SO(1,D) by considering their inner products and say a few words about their correlators.