23–24 Sept 2020
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Sub-10 fs Synchronization of the SINBAD Injector Laser

24 Sept 2020, 15:40
Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Speed talk Beam Controls


Mr Thorsten Lamb (DESY)


The Accelerator Research Experiment at SINBAD (ARES) is a conventional S-band linear accelerator which will be capable of producing ultra-short electron bunches with duration of a few femtoseconds and energy of up to 100 MeV. The SINBAD injector laser synchronization has recently been extended with with an advanced laser-to-RF phase detector, which is based on an integrated Mach-Zenhnder amplitude modulator and allows direct interaction between the injector laser pulse train and the RF reference signal. We are now able to provide sub-10 fs synchronization stability for the SINBAD injector laser and to explore the full potential of the facility.

Primary author

Mr Thorsten Lamb (DESY)


Ms Anne-Laure Calendron (DESY) Mr Falco Zummack (DESY) Dr Holger Schlarb (DESY) Mr Jost Mueller (DESY) Mr Matthias Felber (DESY) Mr Maximilian Schütte (DESY) Mr Mikheil Titberidze (DESY) Mr Nick Kschuev (DESY) Dr Sebastian Schulz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Mr Tomasz Kozak (DMCS)

Presentation materials