23–24 Sept 2020
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Data Acquisition and Analysis for the EuXFEL Optical Synchronization System (Speedtalk)

24 Sept 2020, 15:55
Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Speed talk Beam Controls


Mr Maximilian Schütte (DESY)


The optical synchronization system for European XFEL provides few femtosecond ultra-stable timing synchronization for accelerator subsystems and experiments. It will be the first accelerator subsystem at EuXFEL to receive an extensive data acquisition system to capture all status and operation relevant system parameters available in the DOOCS control system for uninterrupted multi-year time periods. The collected data will serve as a basis for intelligent algorithm design on a subsystem level used to improve system performance and study system aging and enable predictive maintenance.

Primary author


Ms Anne-Laure Calendron (DESY-CFEL) Mr Falco Zummack (DESY) Dr Holger Schlarb (DESY) Mr Jost Mueller (DESY) Mr Matthias Felber (DESY) Mr Nick Kschuev (DESY MSK) Dr Sebastian Schulz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Mr Thorsten Lamb (DESY) Tim Wilksen (DESY) Mr Tomasz Kozak (DMCS) Dr Vladimir Rybnikov (DESY)

Presentation materials