
Quantum technology seminar | Building the second quantum revolution

by Tommaso Calarco (Forschungszentrum Jülich and University of Cologne)

ZOOM Meeting

ZOOM Meeting

Abstract: Quantum mechanics is at the basis of all present-day information and communication technologies: to name just two examples, transistors and lasers would be impossible to build without understanding the quantum behaviour of matter and light. But the control of individual quantum systems has long been considered only a “thought experiment”, something only possible in theory. However, today this is routinely achieved in labs around the world, and it is the basis of quantum technologies. Applications range from secure communications to ultra-high precision sensing and metrology, and from extremely powerful computers to the simulation of complex materials. To achieve this vision in real environments, we need to push our ability to control the dynamics of increasingly complex quantum systems to its limits. In the case of quantum systems with few particles, the decoherence occurring due to the interaction with the environment hinders the realisation of desired processes. In quantum many-body systems, the complexity of their dynamics makes the state preparation by external manipulation more difficult. I will show that Quantum Optimal Control Theory provides an effective strategy to overcome these problems. Quantum coherence is used to achieve a desired target with high accuracy, even under real conditions. I present current experiments that have been made possible by our new optimal control algorithm, and explain how we can use such methods to push the limits of the physical realisation of quantum technologies. Looking forward to stimulating discussions, the DESY FS-QT task force (Martin Beye, Ralf Röhlsberger, Kai Rossnagel, Robin Santra, Andreas Stierle,Hans-Christian Wille)
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