
PETRA III Science Seminar (online) | "Industrial applications of GEMS beamlines (P05, P07)"

by Marc Thiry (HZG)

Industrial applications of GEMS beamlines (P05, P07) GEMS is the central user access platform of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. It provides an infrastructure for complementary research with photons and neutrons. Instruments using synchrotron radiation are operated at the outstation at DESY in Hamburg, using the x-ray photons generated by PETRA III. In recent years, the interest by industry for proprietary synchrotron beam time has continuously grown. We will show some examples of recent industrial applications of the GEMS instruments at PETRA III both from the fields of diffraction and tomography. In addition we will give a short overview on how industrial use is supported by EU projects and other initiatives. For the lecture please dial in on Tuesday, September 29th at 01:15 pm as follows: Zoom Link: ID: 993-3793-4177 Password: 682055