1–3 Dec 2020
Virtual Workshop via Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Status of MicroTCA.4 in IHEP accelerators

1 Dec 2020, 13:45
Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Workshop Meeting room: https://desy.zoom.us/j/98158910820
Talk Applications in research facilities Session 1


Ma Xinpeng (IHEP)


Development progress of MicroTCA.4 in the last one year at IHEP will be presented. Several new crate products have been localized in China which is under evaluated at IHEP. Also new boards development status including AMCs and RTMs will be shown. Some interoperability issues during test and operation between different modules will be talked. Applications in BEPCII/HEPS accelerator control based on MicroTCA.4 platform will be shown. At last is future plans of our work.

Primary author

Presentation materials