1–3 Dec 2020
Virtual Workshop via Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

New MTCA solutions for Quantum Technologies and Big Science

2 Dec 2020, 17:25
Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Workshop Meeting room: https://desy.zoom.us/j/98158910820
Talk New Products Session 6


Dr Grzegorz Kasprowicz (Creotech Instruments S.A.)


We will present a set of new open hardware modules in MTCA format developed in a large collaboration of research and private sector institutions including Creotech Instruments, Warsaw University of Technology, US ARL, University of Maryland, University of Oxford, QUARTIQ, M-Labs, CERN and LNLS. The modules allow for efficient and flexible integration of multi-purpose control systems. Use cases include Big Science applications and development of Quantum Technologies. The modules include a Smart AWG, a powerful RFSoC-AMC and AMC FMC Carrier boards with several validated extensions. They are compatible with open-source ARTIQ software for quantum physics laboratories. The modules support White Rabbit sub-nanosecond time synchronization. Alternatively, an extension card for N.A.T. MicroTCA carrier hub (MCH) can be implemented for controlling multiple slave devices in real time using the ARTIQ distributed real-time IO (DRTIO) protocol.

Primary authors

Dr Grzegorz Kasprowicz (Creotech Instruments S.A.) Mr Pawel Kulik (Creotech Instruments S.A) Mr Krzysztof Macias (Creotech Instruments S.A) Mr Filip Switakowski (Creotech Instruments S.A.) Dr Anna Kaminska (Creotech Instruments S.A.)

Presentation materials