QCD meeting

CMS Center (DESY)

CMS Center


Achim Geiser (CMS (CMS Fachgruppe QCD)), Qun Wang (DESY CMS)

Join Zoom Meeting https://cern.zoom.us/j/4160481419?pwd=QU1SWStVY2VLY1Azd2pCSzZ2MDNQZz09

passwd: 2021

if zoom does not work, we will use vidyo: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/Hz1H4gpzMEbwQ1lZeeOsljhqsPw

Experimental Physics responsibilities (EPR)


To collect the information of the service work, which CMS group is involved in, we list the groups, conveners and available tasks:


***Group **** Name (email) **** tasks (?EPRs)

for example:

PH Generator meeting [PCGT],  Dr. Armando Bermudez Martinez (DESY), <armando.bermudez.martinez@desy.de>;

task 1,( ~ 1.0 EPR)

task 2, 

task 3…


Project:  Offline Software And Computing

Activity: Data Preservation

Level-3:  Data Formats  (coordinator:  A. Geiser, DESY)

Taskname: Legacy data formats (nanoAODplus)

Description: Define and validate (and produce) a nanoAOD-like data

              format to Run1 data

expected total available EPR: 15 months

           (in 2020, 13.5 months were pledged by DESY-related people)


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