ICRC 2021 - Job Board




Job Board @ the ICRC

Dear all,

as part of the ICRC, we offer a Job Board, where seekers and offerers of jobs in  and around Astroparticle Physics can meet. Conference participants can post their adverts or applications and contact each other for an initial chat in one of the breakout rooms in the Coffee Bar.   

Please, submit your offer / application below. 


We have modified the abstract submission in INDICO so that you can upload your adverts below. The Job Board itself shows the adverts on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri for the following five categories:  

Bachelor/Master thesis,  PhD studentship, Post Doc, Permanent Staff / Tenured and  Other, respectively)

The times have no meaning. Click on an advert and then on "View contribution details" (the symbol in the upper right) for the full info.

The adverts stay posted until the end of the conference.

Yours Sincerely,

Johannes Knapp, Jakob van Santen, Nicolas Peschau
for the Local Organising Committee