Open to all full and associated members of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS)
Deadline for registration is 21 September 2021
The aim of the PIER PhD seminar is that all participants introduce their PhD project to each other in a
way that PhD students from different research fields are able to understand and to profit from the
presentations. Furthermore, the audience gives feedback to the speaker so that he/she can improve
his/her way of presentation. This seminar is exceptionally from PhD students to PhD students.
What you will learn as a speaker: You will train yourself in how to break down your thesis to the
most important issues and how to find words that are understandable for PhD students who are not
experts in your research field. And you will also learn how to answer unexpected questions which
might cast a new light on your thesis/research project.
What you will learn as a listener: You get to know about other recent PhD projects in the PIER
research and competence fields, pick methods and ideas which might throw new light on your
thesis/research project and you will strengthen your network with PhD students who are in the same
situation like you.
Please note: During a 3.5-hour preliminary training session, the trainer, Carsten Rohr, will train you
on what you have to pay attention to in online presentations and what you have to consider when
presenting in front of a foreign (scientific) audience.
As laid down in the PHGS training programme (category B), all full members are requested to take
part in the PIER PhD seminar for at least one semester and to hold a presentation. Associated
members are of course welcome! The seminar is also open for PhD students in their first year.
The number of participants is limited to 12. If there are more interested PhD students than 12, the
PHGS will decide on the participation, or if there are 24 participants, open a second seminar. The PIER PhD Seminar will be offered at least twice a year.
The dates for the 7 online sessions (Wednesday, 10 am - 12 pm) & the online preliminary training session (Wednesday 1 pm – 5 pm) are:
29 September: Preliminary training session from 1 pm - 5 pm (including half an hour break) -
participation is highly recommended
06 October (session 1), introduction - attendance is absolutely mandatory!
13 October (session 2)
20 October (session 3)
27 October (session 4)
3 November (session 5)
10 November (session 6)
17 November (session 7) last session including feedback round
Where: online via Zoom, the link will be sent on time
Membership in the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS) is open for all PhD students from the
research fields Particle & Astroparticle Physics, Nanoscience, Photon Science and Infection &
Structural Biology. You can find more information on the PHGS here.