Multimessenger School Cohort Meeting 2021


International Helmholtz-Weizmann Research School on Multimessenger Astronomy

Cohort Meeting 2021


We want to welcome the PhD students who joined the School this year.

This event is for all School´s members and takes place at the Hotel Berlin in Lützowplatz 17, 10785 Berlin.

In the morning we will hear a scientific talk from Prof. Tom Dietrich from the University of Potsdam. In the afternoon we will visit the Jewish Museum and have time for some social activities. See the timetable for more info.


Please note that the 3G rules must be followed for the meeting. This means that you have been either negative tested in the last 24 hours or that you are vaccinated or recovered. Please bring a certificate with you.

For the museum visit you should bring your own headphones with you.


For students and PIs at WIS:

the morning session (09.00 - 12.30h CET) will be available on Zoom: (password sent per email) .

Everyone is welcome!


Coordination office
    • Presentation of the School and welcome to the new students
    • Coffee break
    • “Interpreting the nuclear physics -- multi-messenger astrophysics picture drawn by neutron star mergers”, Scientific Talk from Prof. Tim Dietrich (University of Potsdam) and discussion
    • Lunch together
    • Free time to explore Berlin, check emails, etc.

      (Those who want to check emails, discuss something in groups, etc. can use the conference room at the hotel)

    • Visit Jewish Museum