Miscellaneous events

International Careers, joint event of CERN and dynaMENT Mentoring for woman in natural sciences

by Clara Nellist, Lorena Lobato Pardavila, Pauline Gagnon

Zoom (Online)



Julia Panzer lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein. Thema: International Careers // joint event of CERN and dynaMENT Uhrzeit: 20.Okt..2021 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien Zoom-Meeting beitreten https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/61627939315?pwd=Z2k3RjBydjZGdllLNHdFTXYxaFk5UT09 Meeting-ID: 616 2793 9315 Kenncode: 76641814 Schnelleinwahl mobil +496971049922,,61627939315#,,#,76641814# Deutschland +496938079883,,61627939315#,,#,76641814# Deutschland Hinweise zur Nutzung von Zoom: Die Teilnahme an einem Meeting erfordert die Installation der Zoom-Software. Eine Teilnahme über Ihren Browser ist nicht möglich. Die Weitergabe der Login-Daten und die Aufzeichnung sind untersagt. Vor der Teilnahme wird die Angabe Ihres Namens abgefragt. Die Nennung des Klarnamens ist nicht erforderlich. Sofern eine Identitätsfeststellung notwendig ist, ist die Verwendung eines Pseudonyms (z. Bsp. bei Studierenden die Matrikelnummer und bei Beschäftigten das Leitzeichen) ausreichend. Wenn keine Notwendigkeit besteht, dass Sie mit Bild anwesend sind, wird das Abschalten der Videofunktion empfohlen. Es sind die Vorgaben der Dienstanweisung ( href="https://uhh.de/dienstanweisung-zoom">https://uhh.de/dienstanweisung-zoom</a>) einzuhalten. Weitere Informationen zur Nutzung von Zoom und zur Datenverarbeitung, insbesondere zu Ihren Betroffenenrechten nach der DSGVO, finden Sie unter <a href="https://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/zoom">https://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/zoom</a> und <a href="https://uhh.de/datenschutzrechtliche-information-zoom">https://uhh.de/datenschutzrechtliche-information-zoom</a> (PDF).

International mobility is an important aspect in the academic career today. Stays abroad can give impulses for your own research projects and help to build networks for a scientific career.

  • How important is it to work internationally?
  • How to plan to work abroad?
  • How can I make the most of it?

Get insights from our very experienced speakers:

Lorena Lobato Pardavila, originally from Spain, holds a MS in Computer Engineering. She has worked at Fermilab(Chicago)as a Computing Services Specialist II since 2018. She is currently pursuing a second MS, this time in Information Systems here in Chicago. She moved to Fermilab from Switzerland, where she has worked at CERN (Geneva) since 2011 in several roles as DevOps Engineer and Database Administrator. And previously, she was working in Spain as IT consultant. She is part of the Society of Women Engineers, Women Initiative, and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, where she is also the Vice President of the professional development of the Fermilab-SHPE chapter. She is a positive-thinking, adventurous, enthusiastic, and dynamic person. She is also passionate about music, psychology, traveling, books, and sport in general.

Pauline Gagnon was born in 1955 in Quebec, Canada: In those days, French Canadians were not encouraged to pursue advanced studies. An undergraduate degree was seen as enough. So, after my studies, I taught physics in a college for six years. Luckily, when I was 30, I met my first girlfriend, left everything, and moved to California to be with her. Once there, I got lots of encouragement to enrol in a graduate program. After my PhD in particle physics, I went to CERN as a postdoc, where I worked with people from dozens of different nationalities. This provided me with a huge network of friends and contacts all over the world, which made it possible for me seven years ago to start a new career as a popular science writer and international speaker. To date, my book has been published in seven languages and I have given 128 lectures in 15 countries on four continents on particle physics, diversity issues and the scientific collaboration of Mileva Marić Einstein with her husband.

Clara Nellist, Excellence Initiative Fellow at Radboud University and NIKHEF and has worked in:

  • UK (home country): University
  • Singapore: Undergraduate exchange
  • USA: Summer programme at Fermilab
  • France: Post-Doc one
  • Germany: Post-Doc two
  • Netherlands: Fellowship
  • Plus Switzerland for CERN :)

After the presentation of our speakers you will have the chance to talk to them in breakout rooms and ask all of your questions.

Access to the Zoom Meeting:

Julia Panzer lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.

Thema: International Careers // joint event of CERN and dynaMENT
Uhrzeit: 20.Okt..2021 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 616 2793 9315
Kenncode: 76641814
Schnelleinwahl mobil
+496971049922,,61627939315#,,#,76641814# Deutschland
+496938079883,,61627939315#,,#,76641814# Deutschland
