4–8 Apr 2011
Uni Mainz, Institut fuer Physik
Europe/Berlin timezone


Unfolding and systematics

6 Apr 2011, 09:00
5th floor, Lorentz-Raum and Minkowski-Raum (Uni Mainz, Institut fuer Physik)

5th floor, Lorentz-Raum and Minkowski-Raum

Uni Mainz, Institut fuer Physik

Staudinger Weg 7 55128 Mainz

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Günter Zech (Universität Siegen)
06/04/2011, 09:00
Rainer Wanke
06/04/2011, 10:35
Rainer Wanke
06/04/2011, 13:30
Building timetable...