31 October 2022 to 4 November 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Power counting to saturation


varun vaidya


Our current understanding of the physics of saturation comes from the Color Glass Condensate that treats the nucleus as a classical source of small x gluons. On the other hand, the physics at large x is understood in terms of a factorization theorem of the PDF and a hard function.
To put the small x regime on the same footing, I ll present a rigorous factorization theorem for small x physics showing a manifest separation of the universal physics of the Nuclear medium from the probe at leading power in x. I ll show that the onset of saturation can be understood as a breakdown in expansion in an emergent power counting parameter and allows us to define the saturation scale in terms of a matrix element of a gauge invariant operator in the Nuclear state. Likewise, a power counting argument leads to a new radiation mode in our factorized formula, which greatly clarifies the role played by the medium size in deciding linear/non-linear evolution of the cross section in $\ln x$.

Primary authors

Iain Stewart (MIT) varun vaidya

Presentation materials