31 October 2022 to 4 November 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Transverse momentum dependent splitting functions in a parton branching algorithm

3 Nov 2022, 18:20


Aleksandra Lelek (University of Antwerp)


The outcome of high energy colliders experiments depends on predictions obtained from Monte Carlo (MC) generators, the base of which are the parton branching methods.

We construct a new parton branching algorithm which for the first time incorporates the off-shell, transverse-momentum dependent (TMD) splitting functions, defined from the high-energy limit of partonic decay amplitudes and fulfills momentum sum rule.

Based on these TMD spliting functions we construct a new TMD Sudakov form factor.

We present the first MC implementation of the algorithm for the evolution of the TMD and integrated parton distribution functions (PDFs). We use this implementation to evaluate small x corrections to the distributions.

Presented study is a first step towards a full TMD MC generator covering the small-x phase space.

Primary author

Aleksandra Lelek (University of Antwerp)

Presentation materials