
PUNCHLunch: Virtual Observatory workflows

by Markus Demleitner (Universität Heidelberg)

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Virtual Observatory workflows: The TAP case

The Virtual Observatory's Table Access Protocol (TAP), together with the VO's registry, is a good example for a globally federated research infrastructure; at its core, it lets users discover research data published in tabular form, query it using a standard, SQL-based language, and easily work with the results thanks to common formats.  It scales from highly diverse, small tables to multi-billion row, multi-table data collections.

In this talk, we will illustrate how underlying standards for access protocol (TAP), for data structures (with UCD etc.)  and query language (SQL/ADQL), together with the (distributed) registries are leveraged to enable working with large and diverse remote data from both interactive clients and custom code, e.g using astropy/pyVO.

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ZOOM Meeting “PUNCHLunch seminar”:

Webinar ID: 919 1665 4877, passcode: 481572