Prof. Frank Steinicke | B(l)ending Realities – Human Imperfection as Key to the Ultimate MetaverseZoom Video Conference




We are happy to announce that the welcome lecture of our Series "Data Science for Science" will be held by Prof. Frank Steinicke (Professor for Human-Computer Interaction, Department of Informatics, Universität Hamburg). He will offer us a glimpse into applications of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. The talk will be focussed on the establishment of realistic humanoid AI-agents that enable multimodal communication. We are very much looking forward to his talk entitled "B(l)ending Realities – Human Imperfection as Key to the Ultimate Metaverse".


The fusion of mixed reality (MR) and artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize human-computer interaction, and will also allow scientists novel insights into exploring their data. Future MR/AI technologies will enable a Metaverse with seamless transitions, interactions and transformations between real and virtual artifacts along the reality-virtuality continuum indistinguishable from corresponding real-world interactions. Yet, today's immersive technology is still decades away from the ultimate display. However, imperfections of the human perceptual, cognitive and motor system can be exploited to bend reality in such a way that compelling immersive experiences can be achieved. In this talk, we will review some mixed reality illusions, which bring us closer to the ultimate b(l)ended reality.

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Organised by

Data Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter, Leibniz ScienceCampus InterACt, Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences

DASHH Office, Leibniz ScienceCampus InterACt