We present the results and analyses of radiation spectra expected to be
produced by highly relativistic particle beams propagating through a
plasma medium and experiencing the hosing instability.
Coherent and incoherent contributions to the spectra are determined
in-situ for all simulated particles (>10^9) of the particle cloud and
ambient plasma for a lage assembly of detectors.
Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs) are fast sensors allowing the detection of particles with high time and spatial resolution, thus enabling the so-called 4D particle tracking. Due to their high radiation hardness and low material budget, LGADs are excellent sensors for in-beam detectors used for example for beam monitoring and reaction time (T0) determination in high-rate High Energy Physics...
Future $e^+e^-$ Higgs factory collider projects are designed for preci-
sion measurements of the Higgs boson and of electroweak observables,
thereby utilizing every event to their full potential. The identification
of the pions, kaons and protons plays a key role for precision measure-
ments and event reconstruction, especially for the flavour tagging. To
improve the identification of...
The method of Steady-State Microbunching (SSMB) as proposed by Alex Chao and Daniel Ratner in 2010 is envisioned to generate intense coherent synchrotron radiation at a storage ring. The scheme would allow synchrotron light with brilliance similar to an FEL while enabling high repetition rates typical for a storage ring.
A proof-of-principle (PoP) experiment is conducted at the MLS storage...
Compact free electron lasers (FELs) require short period, high-field undulators in combination with shorter accelerator structures to produce coherent light up-to X-rays. Likewise, for the production of low emittance positron beams for future linear and circular lepton colliders, like CLIC or FCC-ee, high-field damping wigglers are required. Using high-temperature superconductors (HTS) in form...
In recent years, Laser Plasma Acceleration (LPA) has become a promising alternative to
conventional RF accelerators. However, so far, it has only been theoretically shown that generating
polarized LPA beams is possible. The LEAP (Laser Electron Acceleration with Polarization)
project at DESY aims to demonstrate this experimentally for the first time, using a pre-polarized
Photon polarization studies provide subtle information on the directionality and isotropy of the photon emission or interaction processes. As a lot of radiative processes provide distinct polarization features, the most rigorous experiments on these processes must also include a polarization analysis. Polarimetry in the hard x-ray regime can be performed by exploiting the polarization...
Recent developments regarding metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) have resulted in a new class of detectors for precision X-ray spectroscopy. One of them being the maXs series of detectors [1] (cryogenic microcalorimeter arrays for high resolution X-ray spectroscopy), which have been developed within the SPARC collaboration. They work as follows: The energy deposition of an incident X-ray...
For the approaching High-Luminosity-Upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN the development of the new detector systems will soon reach the production phase. This is also the case for the High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), which will be applied in the endcaps of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS). The calorimeter uses silicon at the front and scintillators in the back, where the lower...
Transition Edge Sensors (TES) are superconducting microcalorimeters that can be used for
single-photon detection at extremely low backgrounds. When they are within their supercon-
ducting transition region ($\sim80~$mK for the TES in this work) small temperature fluctuations -
like the energy deposited by single photons - lead to large variations in resistance. These varia-
tions can be...
Conventional QED, an incredibly accurate physical theory, breaks down and becomes divergent at extremely high energy scales, and also in the presence of an extremely intense external electromagnetic field. LUXE (LASER Und XFEL Experiment), an experiment in design and planning here in Hamburg, intends to collide a high-intensity LASER pulse with highly boosted electrons and photons, up to 17.5...
Optimizing Beamlines with Image-to-Image surrogates (DMA)
Beamlines are complex parts of a synchrotron – they consist of many components with many changeable parameters. Thus they are hard to set up as well as hard to optimize. We tackle this issue by using global optimization methods using simulations. However, since these methods require millions of simulation evaluations for proper...