
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Dipolar quantum droplets and supersolids

by Tilman Pfau (University of Stuttgart, Germany)


Dipolar interactions are fundamentally different from the usual van der Waals forces in real gases. Besides its anisotropy the dipolar interaction is nonlocal and as such allows for self organized structure formation formation, like in many different fields of physics. Although the bosonic dipolar quantum liquid is very dilute, stable droplets and supersolids as well as honeycomb or labyrinth patterns can be formed due to the presence of quantum fluctuations beyond the mean field theory.

Coffee, tea and cake will be served at 1:45 pm.

Please wear a FFP2-mask before, during and after the HHPS colloquium – also at the buffet.

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colloquium via

Meeting-ID: 683 4853 6499
Kenncode: 95864476