Quantum Universe Lectures

Confronting the theory of the electroweak interactions with recent experimental hints for possible new physics (2/3)

by Georg Weiglein (T (Phenomenology))

Building 2a, Seminar Room 2 (DESY)

Building 2a, Seminar Room 2



The theory of the electroweak interactions can be probed via direct searches and precision measurements. Accurate theory predictions for electroweak precision observables and observables in the Higgs and flavour sector will be confronted with the latest experimental results. In this context recent hints for possible effects of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics will be discussed.

The lecture takes place at DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2. It is recommended to wear masks during the lecture and follow distance regulations. You may also follow the lecture via Zoom:  
(Meeting ID: 922 9354 3262, Passcode: 97540703)

PhD students in QURS who want to acquire credits for attending these lectures are requested to register for the course via Geventis until 25 November: 

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