10–13 May 2011
DESY, Zeuthen
Europe/Berlin timezone


Introduction to Geant4

10 May 2011, 14:00
Seminar room 1 (DESY, Zeuthen)

Seminar room 1

DESY, Zeuthen

Platanenalle 6, 15738 Zeuthen Germany


Introduction to Geant4

  • Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen)
  • Andreas Schaelicke (DESY)

Introduction to Geant4

  • Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen)
  • Andreas Schaelicke (DESY)

Introduction to Geant4

  • Andreas Schaelicke (DESY)
  • Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen)

Introduction to Geant4

  • Vladimir Ivanchenko (CERN)

Introduction to Geant4

  • Vladimir Ivanchenko (CERN)
  • Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Andreas Schaelicke (DESY)
10/05/2011, 14:00
Prof. Vladimir Ivanchenko (CERN, ESA)
10/05/2011, 14:25
Dr Hans Wenzel (FNAL)
10/05/2011, 15:00
Mr Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen university)
10/05/2011, 15:25
Mr Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen university)
11/05/2011, 09:00
Dr Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen)
11/05/2011, 09:05
Dr Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen)
11/05/2011, 10:05
Dr Karim Laihem (RWTH Aachen university)
11/05/2011, 11:15
Prof. Vladimir Ivanchenko (CERN, ESA)
11/05/2011, 12:00
Dr Andreas Schaelicke (DESY)
11/05/2011, 14:00
Dr Hans Wenzel (FNAL)
11/05/2011, 16:30
Dr Andreas Schaelicke (DESY)
11/05/2011, 16:40
Building timetable...