ErUM-Data - NFDI Synergy Workshop Frankfurt

Fraport Conference Center (please ask at the reception for ErUM-Data Workshop)

Fraport Conference Center

please ask at the reception for ErUM-Data Workshop

Frankfurt Airport Conference Center
Astrid Schneidewind (JCNS at MLZ, FZ Jülich), Kilian Schwarz (IT (IT Scientific Computing)), Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius (DESY)

The goals of the meeting - that is following (among other things) a workshop in April 2022 - are the following: 

  • Definition of status - where are we in ErUM, communities, and NFDI (physics-related)
  • Definition of potential cooperation topics between ErUM and NFDI (more than a wishlist)
  • How to structure a potential collaboration? 
  • How to support applications for a potential BMBF RDM call?
  • Definition of responsibilities and delegations. 


The meeting will be in the Fraport Conference Center. Ask for the ErUM-Data workshop at the entrance desk.


Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 542 670 9345
Passcode: 473842


    • 1
      Welcome, introduction, motivation
      Speaker: Astrid Schneidewind (JCNS at MLZ, FZ Jülich)
    • Updates
      Conveners: Astrid Schneidewind (JCNS at MLZ, FZ Jülich), Kilian Schwarz (IT (IT Scientific Computing))
    • 12:45
      Brief lunch break
    • 8
      Discussion - continuation and summary about gap analysis.
    • ErUM-Data - NFDI cooperation

      Synergies, common topics, structure of the cooperation, people, ...

      Convener: Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius (DESY)
    • 14:20
    • Topical discussions: Federated infrastructures, Big data analysis, Research data management, User interfaces, Knowledge distribution

      ErUM-Data calls, sharing and complementing tasks between NFDI and ErUM-Data, ...

      • 9
        Federated Infrastructures
        Speaker: Chair: Markus Demleitner (Univ. Heidelberg)
      • 10
        User Interfaces
        Speaker: Chair: Pierre Schnizer (HZB)
      • 11
        Reseach Data Management
        Speaker: Chair: Monica Valencia-Schneider (Univ. zu Köln)
      • 12
        Big Data Analysis
        Speaker: Chair: Jan Steinheimer (Univ. Frankfurt)
      • 13
        Knowledge Distribution
        Speaker: Chair: Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht (Univ. Wuppertal)
      • 14
        External Visibility and Publication
        Speaker: Kilian Schwarz (IT (IT Scientific Computing))
    • 15
      Conclusions and next steps