Welcome to the 15th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on "Physics at the Terascale"! As in the past 15 years, the workshop will offer a rich programme of stimulating plenary talks and parallel sessions full of intense discussion on topics connected to the LHC, linear colliders, and Belle.
This meeting will be organised as a hybrid meeting. While the plenary session will be hybrid, we will introduce a new concept for the parallel sessions: these will be either fully online or in person, with mixed topics. The number of sessions will depend on the number of registrations. A call for abstracts is open.
Connection details will be made available to registered participants shortly before the meeting.
Topics of the parallel sessions include:
- Higgs physics
- Searches
- Top physics
- Flavor physics
- Standard Model physics
- Computing and Machine Learning
Preceding and/or following the meeting, we would like to offer the possibility to attend a tutorial on the use of software tools for future collider studies. This tutorial is oriented towards anyone who would like to be able to participate in the future collider studies not only by attending workshops, but also by doing (small or big) studies of her/his own.
If you are interested to attend the tutorial, please mark your interest in the registration form. We will be collecting feedback on your interest to attend the tutorial until end of October and will then open a separate registration.