29–30 Nov 2022
DESY Hamburg and Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

ttbb modelling for ttH analyses at the LHC

29 Nov 2022, 11:45



Emanuel Pfeffer (CMS (CMS-Experiment))


The search for Higgs boson production in association with a top quark pair (ttH) has been performed in the H to bb decay channel at the LHC. These searches are limited by the modelling uncertainties of the main background: ttbb. The aim is to compare the modelling of important backgrounds to ttH measurements in the ttH(H->bb) decay channel and the treatment of the associated theory uncertainties for a combination of the full Run-2 ttH results from ATLAS and CMS. This paves the way for a discussion between experiments and theorists to define such modelling uncertainties in view of future combinations of the experimental results. As a first step, modelling and theory uncertainties as used in ATLAS an CMS are compared in the relevant analysis regions. This talk focusses on the Monte Carlo generator comparisons of the ttbb processes at particle level and highlights the results documented in the LHC Higgs Working Group Public Note LHCHWG-2022-003.

Primary author

Emanuel Pfeffer (CMS (CMS-Experiment))

Presentation materials