DESY/Hamburg U. String Theory Seminar

Asymptotic Accelerated Expansion in String Theory?

by Dr José Calderón-Infante (CERN)

SR2 (Building 2a)


Building 2a


Abstract: In this talk I will address the question: Is there asymptotic accelerated expansion in string theory? There is Swampland conjecture suggesting a negative answer. It has been tested in a particular asymptotic limit associated to weak string coupling and large volume in Type II string theory compactifications. To go beyond this lamppost, we consider different asymptotic limits of F-theory flux compactifications on Calabi-Yau fourfolds. I will discuss a couple of candidates that could feature asymptotic accelerated expansion once the Kähler moduli are stabilized. Based on arXiv:2209.11821 in collaboration with I. Ruiz and I. Valenzuela.


Zoom Meeting

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