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Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Quantum atom optics: From oceanography to cosmology

by Markus Oberthaler (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, University of Heidelberg Germany)


The experimental platform of atoms manipulated by light offers answers to a broad spectrum of open questions in various scientific areas. A fundamental question in oceanography is the time when deep ocean water was last in exchange with the atmosphere. 39Ar one by one detection allows the dating of water samples as small as ten liters. A very different question is how the early phase of heavy ion collisions at CERN develop in time. Building on our quantum field simulator with rubidium atoms we confirm the theoretical expectation of the development of universal dynamics in isolated quantum systems. In addition, I will touch on our recent result on a quantum field simulator which allows the study of a scalar quantum field of curved space time.

Coffee, tea and cake will be served at 1:45 pm. 

It is recommended to wear a FFP2-mask before, during and after the HHPS colloquium - also at the buffet.

If you prefer to participate via Zoom, please, feel free to join the colloquium via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 665 3516 9690
Passcode: 15297037

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium will be put on video using the recording function of zoom. When recording is started a pop-up window appears and you have the choice to continue your
participation or to leave the meeting; by continuing your participation you consent to recording.