Mental Health in Academia: Managing conflict

Desiree Dickerson, PhD

Conflict is a part of any relationship. And is more frequent when, like in academia, stress is high and resources scarce. How we navigate conflict is what matters most. In this interactive webinar we explore how to

  • recognise key triggers for conflict in academic and supervisory relationships.
  • learn to recognise our working style and our working needs (and those of our colleague or students). 
  • dentify where our styles clash and how to navigate these clashes. 
  • develop practical tools to approach important discussions – phrases and words that can either help to escalate or resolve situations. 
  • learn to uncover the real issues underpinning the conflict and the role that context plays. 

The event takes place online and in English. 

Postdocs and PhDs of Quantum Universe und CUI are cordially invited to participate.


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