DEELS 2023

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg (GERMANY)

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg (GERMANY)

Gero Kube (MDI (Diagnose & Instrumentierung))

DESY is proudly hosting the 10th "Diagnostics Experts of European Light Sources" (DEELS) workshop.

The goal of the workshop is to bring the diagnostics community together to discuss common problems, share new developments, and enhance synergies between different facilities.

There is no registration fee. Accomodation and transportation costs shall be covered for each participant by their home institute.

We look forward to an enjoyable and productive exchange between all participants.

DEELS will be organized as a live 'in-person' event, and there will be no remote participation. This is in accordance to the present Corona guidelines and the decision from the last workshop.


  • Benoît Roche
  • Chris Richard
  • Danielle Melis Loehr
  • David Yepez
  • Diana Bachiller-Perea
  • Dirk Lipka
  • Elena Buratin
  • Frank Schmidt-Foehre
  • Friederike Ewald
  • Gabriele Brajnik
  • Gero Kube
  • Günther Rehm
  • Holger Schlarb
  • jacek biernat
  • Javier Bañuelos Sánchez
  • Jonas Lamaack
  • Kay Wittenburg
  • Laurence Stant
  • Lorraine Bobb
  • Luka Bogataj
  • Marco Marongiu
  • Moussa El Ajjouri
  • Nicolas HUBERT
  • Peter Leban
  • Raffaele De Monte
  • Romain Bronès
  • Roman Panas
  • Sajjad Hussain Mirza
  • Sergey Strokov
  • Stefano Cleva
  • Sven Pfeiffer
  • Winnie Bratumyl
    • 14:00 15:30
      Session 1: XBPMs ----- Location: Seminar Room1, Bldg. 1
      • 14:00
        Welcome and Introduction 20m
        Speaker: Gero Kube (MDI (Diagnose & Instrumentierung))
      • 14:20
        Development of New XBPMs for the SOLEIL Synchrotron Upgrade 30m

        SOLEIL’s storage ring front-ends are presently equipped with a few tens of X-ray Beam Position Monitors (XBPMs) to measure the position of the photon beam before it is delivered to the beamline users. Those XBPMs consist of four metallic (copper or tungsten) blades placed in the beam halo. When the beam halo hits the blades, a current is produced by photoemission, a simple center of mass calculation on the blade currents enables to infer the photon beam position at the XBPM plane. The drawback of these systems is that they suffer from a low sensitivity, especially on beamlines based on helical undulators.

        In the context of SOLEIL-II, upgrade of SOLEIL’s storage ring to a fourth-generation synchrotron light source, the Diagnostics group is working on two new types of XBPMs. The first one will be used on bending magnets and planar undulators based beamlines. This type of XBPM replicates the existing four-blade systems but using CVD diamond blades instead of metallic ones. In this case, the current will be produced by photoconduction in the diamond, which should significantly increase the sensitivity of the position measurement. The second type of XBPM will be dedicated to beamlines based on helical undulators. It is well known that four-blade systems are hardly usable in this case, since helical undulators deliver more complicated photon beam transverse distributions down to lower photon energies. Therefore, we have chosen to develop an XBPM working as a white beam imager. It will be based on a CVD diamond ring whose fluorescence produced by the photon beam halo will be detected by a camera.

        We will present the advancements on both projects, as well as the difficulties found during the design process, essentially resulting from the high-power densities reached at the XBPM location

        Speaker: Diana Bachiller-Perea (SOLEIL Synchrotron)
      • 14:50
        Progress with the EBS X-BPMs 30m

        Since last year the ESRF-EBS storage ring is equipped with two optical X-BPMs to measure the vertical position of the photon beam for bending magnets. Two more fixed in-vacuum X-BPMs for bending sources will be installed during the summer shutdown, together with new optical prototypes: two movable in-air X-BPMs using bending sources and one movable in-vacuum X-BPM for insertion devices. This contribution presents the operation of the existing X-BPMs and the concept of the new ones.

        Speaker: Elena Buratin (ESRF)
      • 15:20
        Noise Model of Cavity Resonator 10m
        Speaker: Matthias Werner (DESY)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee Break ----- Location: Seminar Room1, Bldg. 1 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Session 2: Profile and Emittance Diagnostics ----- Location: Seminar Room1, Bldg. 1
      • 16:00
        Radiation damage around ESRF X-ray pinholes 30m

        After two years of nominal ESRF-EBS operation heavy radiation damage could be observed around the in-air X-ray pinhole setups of the storage ring.
        The main origin of this rapid degradation was identified to be (X-ray fluorescence) radiation emitted from the copper attenuator placed in front of the pinhole.
        A newly designed attenuator version installed since January 2023 will hopefully improve the situation.
        Further, some white powder deposit in the vicinity of the pinholes reveals to be SiO2. However, the origin of this SiO2 powder which is known to sometimes block the pinholes remains mysterious.

        Speaker: Friederike Ewald (ESRF)
      • 16:30
        Transverse emittance measurements at PITZ 30m

        One of the primary tasks of the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) is to characterize and optimize L-band photo-electron sources for use at FLASH and European XFEL. AT PITZ, the transverse phase space of 17-20 MeV electron beams are measured using a single slit scan and scintillator screen method. With the trend in photoinjectors towards lower current and emittance, ensuring precise emittance measurements is becoming increasingly important. To this end, it is necessary to have good noise cleaning to measure as much of the beam as possible and to properly correct for systematic errors to improve the resolution. This talk discusses developments to improve the reliability of the emittance measurements at PITZ.

        Speaker: Christopher James Richard (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
      • 17:00
        Bunch length monitoring using a spectrum analyzer 30m

        A method to measure relative changes of the bunch length based on the spectrum of the induced voltage on a BPM button has been developed at ALBA. The bunch length has been calibrated using a Streak Camera for different filling patterns and beam currents. The idea is to have an alternative, redundant and readily available measurements of the bunch length during machine operation, avoiding the continuous use of the Streak Camera.

        Speaker: Javier Bañuelos Sánchez (ALBA Synchrotron - CELLS)
    • 19:30 22:30
      Workshop dinner 3h Das Feuerschiff - City Sporthafen, Vorsetzen; 20148 Hamburg

      Das Feuerschiff - City Sporthafen, Vorsetzen; 20148 Hamburg

    • 09:00 10:30
      Session 3: Beam Stability and general Issues ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld)
      • 09:00
        Beam Stability Considerations for Diamond-II 30m

        Beam stability is critical in light sources, with increased requirements in both amplitude and bandwidth in 4th generation storage rings. This presentation will focus on two on-going activities for discussion in preparation for Diamond-II: (1) the efficacy of the new dual-rate IMC controller for Fast Orbit Feedback at particular Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) in the storage ring and (2) considerations in the design of primary BPM supports.

        Speaker: Lorraine Bobb (Diamond Light Source)
      • 09:30
        Development of beam correction techniques based on feed forward neural networks for electron storage ring Solaris 30m

        National Synchrotron Radiation Center SOLARIS is third generation synchrotron light source located in Krakow, Poland. It is the only operator of synchrotron light source in Poland. SOLARIS consists of a linear accelerator, 1.5 GeV storage ring with 96 m circumference, six operating beamlines and three more under construction. The storage ring accelerates the electron beam from injection (approx. 550 MeV) to its final 1.5 GeV energy and stores the circulating electron beam for many hours on a stable orbit providing beamlines access to the synchrotron radiation used for research. The Solaris storage ring uses 36 buttons beam position monitors (BPMs) with commercial electronics from Instrumentation Technologies – Libera Brilliance+, 36 horizontal and 36 vertical correctors that are mounted as extra coils on correction sextupoles. The maximum kick angle of those correctors is 0.25 mrad which corresponds to 10 A power supply current setting. The slow orbit feedback (SOFB) correction is performed by the method of singular value decomposition (SVD). Due to the presence of three insertion devices (undulators), SOFB is supplemented with feedforward correction which manages corrector coils installed on undulators (4 per one).
        We plan to use artificial neural network models based on python in the process of designing the network interface and using GPUs in order to apply the model in real time. We expect that thanks to the use of ML we will save the time needed to perform scans, and the saved time will be allocated to experimental beamlines and further development of the center.
        The implemented method will also grant us access to valuable diagnostic information in real time, due to the comparison of the magnet reaction to the changing electron orbit. This will give us the possibility to detect magnet or beam position monitor malfunctions within the electron storage ring.
        The signals used to teach the neural network will be the readings from the BPMs, corrector electromagnets, the present and set positions of the gaps and the phases of the undulators.
        In the scope of this talk, tests of a LSTM based ANN will be presented, with the use of data stored in tango. Anomaly detection, response matrix and undulator correction tables will be presented and the first steps towards full ML based beam correction.

        Speaker: Jacek Biernat (NCPS SOLARIS)
      • 10:00
        Software Upgrades and Controls in Libera Instruments 30m

        Modern instrumentation uses combination of CPU and Operating System which runs the software that supports the underlying hardware components. Hardware typically doesn't change but software components constantly receive functional or security updates. Libera instruments are no exception. This presentation opens discussion on how software updates are managed in the user community and typical issues that come with upgrades. Other topics discuss the alternative control and data collection from the instruments, and hardware upgrade option for Libera Spark.

        Speaker: Peter Leban (Instrumentation Technologies)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld) 30m
    • 11:00 13:00
      Session 4: BPM Readout ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld)
      • 11:00
        Integration of Libera Sparks in Elettra Booster BPM 30m

        Elettra Booster is part of the Elettra injection system.
        Elettra was originally equipped with an in-house developed BPM system.
        After a software and communication update, the old BPM system was reused to control the orbit of the booster machine.
        After about ten years, one of the acquisition electronics failed and replacement boards where no longer available.
        We replaced the functionality of one of the old BPM crate with 4 Libera Spark.
        We describe how we have done this successfully and add some considerations for future in-house developed electronics to be upgradeable and scalable in the years to come.

        Speaker: Raffaele De Monte (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
      • 11:30
        Comparing Remote Pilot-Tone and Crossbar Switch Compensation Techniques at Diamond Light Source 30m

        Recently, Instrumentation Technologies has developed a remote crossbar switch front-end for the Brilliance+ system, allowing their classic Libera switch compensation to also mitigate cable effects. In this talk, we present results from a comparison between the in-house pilot-tone system and the new Brilliance+ remote switching, from both lab testing and real storage ring measurements. We also discuss the effectiveness of our current pilot-tone implementation and steps we are taking to improve performance.

        Speaker: Dr Laurence Stant (Diamond Light Source)
      • 12:00
        Digital Board Development for Elettra 2.0 eBPM 30m

        Beam position monitors (BPMs) are fundamental diagnostic tools for lightsources: thanks to their data readout, machine orbit can be stabilised and corrected by control systems. New generation machines need better performances on these diagnostic devices due to increased demands, such as smaller photon beam size and long-term stability. This contribution will focus on the development of the digital carrier board for the new electron beam position monitoring system of Elettra 2.0, showing difficulties faced during the design and the debugging phase.

        Speaker: Gabriele Brajnik (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste)
      • 12:30
        New data processing and evaluation results of the Libera Brilliance+ module 30m

        In the scope of SOLEIL II (the low emittance upgrade project of SOLEIL), the Libera Brilliance+ electronics is a candidate for the renewal of the BPM electronics.
        A new low latency data stream has been implemented by Instrumentation Technologies to cope with SOLEIL II Fast Orbit Feedback bandwidth specifications. In addition, the user has now the possibility to adjust (and increase) the switching frequency.
        The presentation will summarize the performance test results carried on at SOLEIL: resolution and beam current dependance for different switching frequencies. The long term stability measurements with an evaluation of the external switching matrix will also be presented.

        Speaker: Nicolas HUBERT (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch 1h Canteen Building 09/09a (DESY Hamburg)

      Canteen Building 09/09a

      DESY Hamburg

    • 14:00 15:30
      Session 5: BPM Pickups ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld)
      • 14:00
        Test Methodology and First Evaluation of PETRA IV Button-Type BPM Prototypes 30m

        The upcoming PETRA IV project at DESY, Germany, represents a new generation of diffraction-limited light sources with ultra-low emittance. A crucial component of the beam diagnostic system for this project is the beam position monitors (BPMs), which will be used for transverse beam position measurements. Approximately 800 of these BPMs will be placed throughout the 2.3 km storage ring. To ensure that BPMs provide the required accuracy and resolution for beam position measurements, detailed methodology and test protocols for the electro-mechanical properties of the manufactured BPM units must be developed. They should cover testing of both individual feedthroughs with buttons and the fully assembled BPM units. This work focuses on the initial approach to the development of methodology and protocols for the inspection of BPMs. Results of the first HF tests of the PETRA IV BPM prototypes delivered by the manufacturer are also presented.

        Speaker: Sergey Strokov (MDI (MDI Fachgruppe 2))
      • 14:30
        Button type BPMs for Elettra 2.0 30m

        In order to fulfill the target performance of Elettra 2.0 light source, a brand new button type beam position monitor detector has been developed.
        In this contribution, a series of practical design considerations involving electromagnetic, mechanical, vacuum, maintenance, and cost issues are reported to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of the conceived constructive solutions.

        Speaker: Stefano Cleva (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
      • 15:00
        Plans for an Upgrade of BPMs and Orbit Feedbacks in BESSY II 30m

        The original BPMs in BESSY II with 25 year operational use will be upgraded to Libera Spark. In a first stage we plan for a seemless exchange of BPMs in small sets, ensuring continuous operation with the existing SOFB and FOFB systems while enabling short upgrade periods. In a second stage, we plan to migrate the SOFB and FOFB systems. At this stage we will be able to increase the data rates for the SOFB and display from currently 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz, and for the FOFB system from 150 Hz to 10 kHz.

        Speaker: Dr Günther Rehm (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee Break ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld) 30m
    • 16:00 17:45
      Session 6: Fast Orbit Feedbacks ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld)
      • 16:00
        Fast Orbit Feedback with an hybrid BPM system: combining iTech's GbE stream and Diamond's Communication Controller 30m

        The ESRF storage ring is running with an hybrid BPM system made of Libera Brilliances and Libera Spark electronics.
        Both BPM system offer a fast stream at 10 kHz of the position data for archiving and orbit feedback purposes. Unfortunately both BPM systems speak a different langage: Libera Brilliances fast stream is using the Diamond Communication Controller (DCC), while Sparks are using iTech's GbE protocol.
        During this presentation we will show how we integrated Sparks' GbE stream into the DCC to be able to perform a fast orbit correction using the full BPM system.
        The advantages of the GbE protocol for such an application and its limitations will be discussed, and the performances of the upgraded fast orbit correction will also be mentioned.

        Speaker: Benoît Roche (ESRF)
      • 16:30
        SOLEIL New Platform for Fast Orbit Feedback installation status 30m

        SOLEIL is upgrading it's Fast Orbit Feedback platform to withstand coming obsolescence of electronic BPM and future evolution of the machine. A MTCA platform was designed and is currently being installed to take over the Feedback computation. After introducing the new platform and summarizing its development, we will present the status of the installation. The integration of this new platform in SOLEIL's control system will also be outlined.

        Speaker: Romain Bronès (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
      • 17:00
        Progress and challenges of PETRA IV fast orbit feedback system 30m

        A fast orbit feedback system is under development for the upcoming PETRA IV ring of DESY. It is integral to achieving a diffraction-limited photon beam quality in this fourth-generation light source. The current focus is to optimize the designs of subsystems per the required performance, i.e. 1 kHz disturbance rejection of the feedback system. The challenges encountered in designing high bandwidth and latency-optimized systems are discussed.

        Speaker: Sajjad Hussain Mirza (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
      • 17:30
        Zero Impedance in Beam Position Monitor 15m
        Speaker: Alexander Shchagin
    • 09:00 09:15
      Introduction & Safety Instructions: ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld)
      • 09:00
        Introduction & Safety Instructions 15m
        Speaker: Gero Kube (MDI (Diagnose & Instrumentierung))
    • 09:15 11:00
      visit: PETRA III tour PETRA III tunnel (DESY Hamburg)

      PETRA III tunnel

      DESY Hamburg

    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee Break ----- Location: Seminar Room A/B, HARBOR Building 610 (Im Quantenfeld) 30m