The 2023 in-person Annual Meeting by PUNCH4NFDI will take place on 12 - 13 October at LMU, Munich.
The registration is open. Please register until 5 October for on-site participation. For remote participation at the public sessions, registration is possible until 13 October.
Participation on the first day, Thursday 12 October, is for PUNCH4NFDI members only. On the second day, Friday 13 October, there will be public sessions where everybody interested in our work is cordially invited to participate and contribute.
The call for abstracts is closed.
Venue: the meeting takes place at the Faculty of Physics at LMU, Schellingstr. 4. It can easily be reached by bus or U-Bahn, get off at "Universität" or "Universität - München".
The pre-meeting dinner on Wednesday is at the San Benno restaurant, Loristraße 14, 80335 München at 19:30.
You can find the talks that were uploaded to Sync&Share here.