14–19 Apr 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Challenges in Incorporating Massive Feynman Integrals for Precision Physics

15 Apr 2024, 14:30
Martin Luther

Martin Luther


Ekta Chaubey (University of Bonn)


With the upgraded Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operating at higher luminosity and the promise of even higher energy reach for future colliders, it has become imperative to compute precise theoretical predictions to contribute to this era of precision physics. It is particularly important to not only compute higher-order corrections but also include the contributions due to massive particles to scattering processes. Therefore, it is necessary to tame the challenges appearing in analytic computations of multi-loop Feynman integrals due to the presence of massive internal particles. In this talk, while focusing on the computation of analytic scattering amplitudes, I will explain how to counter the challenges arising from massive Feynman integrals whose analytic expressions have a more complicated function space.

Primary author

Ekta Chaubey (University of Bonn)

Presentation materials