14–19 Apr 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Two-loop power-spectrum of the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure

15 Apr 2024, 16:30
Martin Luther

Martin Luther


Andrea Favorito (ETH Zurich)


The main analytical tool for analyzing Large Scale Structure surveys is the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (EFTofLSS). With increasing survey detail, higher precision in theoretical predictions becomes essential. However, extending integrations beyond the one-loop power spectrum faces limitations due to analytical challenges and computational costs. In this presentation, we discuss an approach that enhances both analytical and numerical efficiency by fitting the linear power spectrum with cosmology-independent functions. This enables us to map loop integrals in cosmology to QFT integrals featuring massive propagators. Additionally, we present novel numerical computations of the two-loop corrections to the power spectrum.

Primary author

Andrea Favorito (ETH Zurich)

Presentation materials