
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Electronic and lattice correlations in quantum materials

by Tim Wehling (University of Hamburg, Germanv)

SR I-III (CFEL, Bldg. 99)


CFEL, Bldg. 99


Collective behavior in quantum materials arises from complex interactions between electrons and lattice degrees of freedom. Here, we will address how to disentangle and eventually control this interplay. We will assess the nature of electron correlations emerging in moiré quantum systems and examine the characteristics of superconductivity and charge density waves in fullerides, kagome metals, and two-dimensional materials.

Coffee, tea and cake will be served at 1:45 pm.

If you prefer to participate via Zoom, please, feel free to join the
colloquium via Zoom: oUT09

Meeting-ID: 643 1656 4489

Kenncode: 01345014

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium will be puton video using the recording function of zoom. When recording is started a pop-up window appears and you have the choice to continue your
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you consent to recording.