25–27 Oct 2023
Livadhiotis City Hotel
Europe/Athens timezone

2+1-dimensional QED with Quantum Computing

25 Oct 2023, 13:30
Livadhiotis City Hotel

Livadhiotis City Hotel

50 Nicolaou Rossou Street 6021 LARNAKA CYPRUS


Arianna Crippa (Z_ZPPT (Zeuthen Particle PhysicsTheory))


We extend the analysis of the study of 2+1D Quantum Electrodynamics with an approach suitable for quantum computers by developing an algorithm that computes the Hamiltonian in both electric and magnetic basis for a lattice with generic size.
The system that we are considering for a matching with MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) data is 3x3 pure gauge lattice with periodic boundary conditions. The idea is to match quantities like the energy gap or the expectation value of the plaquette operator, in a regime that is suitable for a classical analysis with Monte Carlo. With the latter technique, one can then go to larger volume and find the lattice spacing, while with quantum computing one should be able to reach regimes when the coupling constant is low and impracticable for MC.
We also started to look into how to implement the Gray encoding on a quantum Ansatz for a generic value in the truncation applied to gauge fields, for simulations on real quantum devices.

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