DESY/Hamburg U. String Theory Seminar

Bounds on the species scale and Emergent Strings

by Dr Max Wiesner (Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard University)

SR2 (Building 2a)


Building 2a


Abstract: The species scale serves as a UV cut-off in the gravitational sector of an effective field theory. Since the spectrum of light states varies as a function of the moduli fields the species scale is in general moduli-dependent. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss the moduli-dependence of this species scale and derive bounds for the species scale that are valid at any point in field space, including interior points. I will further use the species scale to constrain slowly-varying positive potentials and argue that the Emergent String Conjecture (ESC) predicts a bound on the scalar potential that remarkably coincides with the prediction of the TransPlanckian Censorship Conjecture. The ESC is a powerful conjecture stating that in asymptotic weak-coupling limits of gravitational theories a tower of states becomes massless corresponding either to a KK tower or to the tower of excitations of a fundamental string. In the second part of my talk I will argue that universal properties of black holes indeed predict that the leading tower of light states in a gravitational theory is either KK- or string-like thereby providing a bottom-up argument for a central statement of the ESC.