16–17 Mar 2011
Europe/Berlin timezone

Workshop Material

The 5th International dCache workshop is jointly organized by

  • the dCache competence center of the German Grid initiative D-Grid
  • the storage support group of the HGF Alliance Physics at the Terascale
  • and dCache.org (DESY,NDGF)

and sponsored by the the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) and the HGF Alliance.


The main focus of this workshop is the upcoming Golden Release (1.9.12) and how to migrate from the previous Golden Release(1.9.5)

Presentations, tutorials and hands-on sessions will cover :

  • the new configuration system
  • supported protocols e.g. NFS 4.1 with pNFS, WebDAV and xRoot
  • and improvements and new features of the next Golden Release

Take the chance and meet storage administrators from around the world and dCache developers in the relaxing atmosphere of the cosy student town of Göttingen.

The service charge is 60 Euros, covering material, dinner, snacks and beverages during the breaks. You may pay by Master Card, Visa  card or money transfer. Details are provided during the registration process. In case of questions, please contact the support e-mail address below.
