The goal of the ERC-funded project SIRMIO (Small animal proton irradiator for research in molecular image-guided radiation-oncology) has been to realize an innovative portable system to enable precision image-guided small animal proton irradiation at existing beamlines of clinical proton therapy facilities. The modular SIRMIO system combines a dedicated beamline consisting of passive and active components for precise dose application with advanced image guidance, specific to proton therapy, with different implementations of proton radiography/tomography, and in-situ in-vivo verification of the actual treatment delivery with positron emission tomography and (for pulsed beams) ionoacoustics.
This presentation will review the key features of the system, including its experimentally proven performance in first irradiation of phantoms of different complexity, along with the future plans en-route to in-vivo application.
Support from the ERC (grant 725539, SIRMIO) and the EU transnational access projects 730983 (INSPIRE) and 101008548 (HITRIplus) is gratefully acknowledged, along with the SIRMIO team and collaborators.