29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Purpose and Goals 

Soft x-rays of tunable wavelength and variable polarization are a tool for scientific studies with a broad range of applications, including 

• The interaction of radiation with matter.
• Molecular arrangements and their electronic structure from gases to liquids. 

• Microscopy of magnetic nano-structures, including their dynamics and functionality.

 • Studies of electronic states in liquid and solid materials. 

In this workshop, we discuss the current science program of beamline P04 and the medium-future science program of the coming years at the PETRA III storage ring. 


The following topics will be part of the workshop: 

 • Excitation spectra of neutral atoms, small clusters and ions.

 • Photoelectron emission characteristics of small quantum systems upon inner-shell ionizing excitations in liquid, gaseous, and ionic environments.

 • Chemistry of solvation at the interface between aqueous solutions and vacuum. 

 • Holographic and coherent imaging and time-domain spectroscopy techniques using soft x-rays.

 • Topological emergent textures and their dynamics and manipulation driven by fields, currents or optical pulses.

 • Effects of microscopic confinement and layering of electronic structures of solids.

 • Quasi-particle excitations due to topologically stabilized interface states on the boundary of solid materials.

 • Magnetic structures at ultra-low temperatures and their rearrangements in phase transitions. 

Abstracts and contributions are welcome to the above subject areas that represent an initial outline and are open to further suggestions. 

The workshop will include a mix of solicited, contributed, and poster presentations. This meeting is also intended to inspire new projects and offer a discussion space to foster collaboration between workshop participants from the various research fields.



Moritz Hoesch: moritz.hoesch@desy.de
Florian Trinter: trinter@fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Bastian Pfau: Bastian.Pfau@mbi-berlin.de

