
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Quantum simulations with atoms and photons

by Jean-Philippe Brantut (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)

SR I-III (CFEL, Bldg. 99)


CFEL, Bldg. 99


Cavity quantum electrodynamics enables the control of atom-light interactions, a powerful tool for studying quantum phenomena. Initially explored in simple systems, it‘s now applied to create and study complex, strongly correlated quantum many-body systems.
I‘ll discuss our work combining cavity QED with cold Fermi gases, inducing long-range interactions among atoms, and the exciting prospects in condensed matter and high-energy physics.

Coffee, tea and cake will be served at 1:45 pm

If you prefer to participate via Zoom, please, feel free to join the colloquium via Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 624 1558 8491

Kenncode: 27305843

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium will be put on video using the recording function of zoom. When recording is started a pop-up window appears and you have the choice to continue your participation or to leave the meeting; by continuing your participation you consent to recording.