
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Quantum acoustics and the physics of the strange metals

by Eric Heller (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. USA)

SR I-III (CFEL, Bldg. 99)


CFEL, Bldg. 99


We have been developing and applying new field, quantum acoustics to the strange metals. It is astonishing that quantum acoustics did not exist before, since it  is the direct analog of the scientifically and technologically crucial field of quantum optics. The development of quantum acoustics is not an academic exercise: it is at this moment revealing the secrets of the high temperature superconductors, after 40 years of mystery. 

Coffee, tea and cake will be served at 1:45 pm.

If you prefer to participate via Zoom, please, feel free to join the colloquium via Zoom

Meeting-ID: 624 1558 8491
Kenncode: 27305843

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium will be put on video using the recording function of zoom. When recording is started a pop-up window appears and you have the choice to continue your participation or to leave the meeting; by continuing your participation you consent to recording.