26–27 Mar 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

DZA, KAT and RDS jointly organize a workshop for multimessenger and multifrequency astrophysics to foster closer cooperation in the German astro(particle)physics communities. The workshop focusses on endeavors that enable an improved understanding of astrophysical objects through the combination of information obtained in different channels as well as via theoretical studies.

The workshop will be hosted by the new 'Deutsches Zentrum für Astrophysik (DZA)' near Görlitz during March 26 and 27 (full days). Childcare will be offered for workshop participants (see registration).

The program will discuss recent highlights, forthcoming opportunities for collaborative research, and strategic plans for the astrophysics and astroparticle physics communities. Further details are given in the program overview. The workshop is open for  registration and submission of abstracts (in-person participation).

While discussions are expected to profit from in-person participation, limited remote attendance is foreseen. To attend remotely, please register by sending an email to kontakt@dzastro.de by 25 March and you will receive an email with the Zoom link.

SOC: Günther Hasinger, DZA; Uli Katz, U Erlangen; Michael Kramer, MPIfR; S. Wagner, U. Heidelberg; S. Walch-Gassner, U. Köln; W. Winter, DESY.

LOC: H. Drube, M. Grodd, K. Henjes-Kunst , J. Mosebach,  S. Ohm (DZA)

Gut am See Am Wasserschloss 2 02827 Görlitz
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