Innovation, Transfer, Industry Relations and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Lunch "Hamburg’s financial support for startups – An overview of IFB Innovationsstarter’s funding instruments"

Carbon (Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld)


Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld

Luruper Chaussee 1

An overview of IFB Innovationsstarter’s funding instruments

Annette Wurl and Florence Müller will present the wide spectrum of funding options by the IFB Innovationsstarter. If you are looking to fund your idea or accelerate your start-up you should definitely join.  This event will be tailored by splitting the participants into two groups depending on their needs: in one room Florence Müller will present the early-stage grant programmes InnoImpact and InnoFounder, and in the other room Annette Wurl will talk about InnoRampup and the venture capital programme Innovationsstarter Fund Hamburg.

InnoImpact awards grants to start-ups that offer innovative solutions to the challenges facing our society, particularly in the social and environmental fields.

InnoFounder is a grant programme, which supports ambitious founders and founding teams with a focus on innovative, digital start-up projects in the pre-seed phase.

InnoRampUp is a grant program addressing startups with a deep tech innovation at the core of its business idea. It is meant to support technological product and business development in early stages (pre-seed).

Innovationsstarter Fund Hamburg provides venture capital for innovative startups in order to accelerate their growth. It is open for all economic sectors. It invests in startups, which already have got a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). In addition, initial market feedback is appreciated. 


Dr. Annette Wurl holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry and is experienced in managing public funding programs for industrial R&D and startup development. 






Florence Müller holds a M.Sc. in Economics and has experience in the development and implementation of entrepreneurship support programs. She is also thrilled that the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Hamburg is thriving.





Date:            25. January 2024

Time:           12:00 – 13:30

Place:          Start-up Labs - Carbon EG.006 + EG.013