ATTENTION: We have to do a maintenance on Thu 27 June 2024, 9:00 - 11:00 CEST (for details, please have a look at the IT-News page). Please finish your work in time to prevent data loss.

CFEL-I Git workshop Part 2 - Rise of the Merge Conflict

SR V O1.109 Wolfgang Pauli (CFEL)

SR V O1.109 Wolfgang Pauli


Ivan De Gennaro Aquino (FS-CFEL-1 (Forschung mit Photonen Experimente 1))

Hi all,

git gets dirty this time. Building up on our gitlab experience from Part 1b, you will work in pairs on the same repository and experience - in a guided way - some of the typical problems that occur in git-collaboration.

  • Ana Carolina Rodrigues
  • Chufeng Li
  • +12
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